Monday, July 20, 2009

Oregon Cultural exchange team website

This is intended to be a private blog for 2009 Oregon to South Africa Cultural Exchange Duals Team members and their families only. It will be set up so that authors will be have to be authorized by me first. Upon a final list of team members, their emails will be added to this blogsite. If there are some extended family members or otherwise that you would like to be able to share this with, I will be more than happy to add them to our authorized viewers. This is for the protection of our kids and for the enjoyment of their families. Most will be traveling at the mercy of the team coaches only and hopefully this will give families a way to feel connected to their kids through this awesome journey. I hope to begin with emailed information that has been provided, team camp and anything else that I can provide that will assist Mike Simons with the huge undertaking. I will also allow family members to post to this site as well so long as it is positive towards the team. The only information that will be posted while they are actually in South Africa will be what we are able to recieve via phone calls or their limited access to the internet. Please remember I am an amateur and am doing this for the kids and their families. It will not be perfect.

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