Saturday, August 1, 2009

Johnnie Reitz Results

Team Oregon represnted well today. All the boys wrestled in two tournaments today. We left at 6:00 AM and got home at 11:00 PM just like any regular tournament in the states. We received many compliments on how the boys wrestled and what great sportsmanship they displayed. we will tour tomorrow and then wrestle Monday and Tuesday evening.


Colton Shilling: 3rd in FS and GR

Chance Lindquist: 2nd in FS and GR

Aaron David: 2nd in GR

Cody Jones: 2nd in FS

Riley Omlid: 3rd in FS

Steven Sturdevant: 2nd in FS

Eric Luna: 2nd in FS

Alex Simantel: 3rd in FS
Jordan Haag: 2nd in FS

Jacob Abrams: 2nd FS 3rd GR

Trever Gwin: 1st in GR

We earned 12 Rhino medals. A great day for Team Oregon

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