Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kruger Park

Sorry it has been so long but it was a crazy 48 hours. As Patrcia said we wrestled Tuesday night and then drove to Kruger through the night with a short stop in Secunda. We got to the gates at 7:00 AM and toured the park until 6:00 PM. After a great dinner we all went to bed early. We got up at 5:30 AM and did it all again today. We saw some amazing things. Probably the coolest was the lions after they had taken down an elephant during the night and were all laying nearby with one lion protecting their harvest. There will be a ton of pictures from all of your children. It is to difficult now for me to upload. I will try over the next few days. We leave in the morning for Pretoria. We wrestle their national team Friday evening and a tournament on Saturday. We fly out Sunday for Capetown. When I can get to another computer I will update.
Everyone enjoyed the last two days in Kruger Park. It is a very special place.
We will have stiff competition Friday night. They are flying kids in from all over SA to wrestle us. The are very happy to have us here and are trying to wrestle us a lot.
Talk to all of you soon

1 comment:

  1. Scott, thanks for doing such a great job sharing information with us. Can't wait to hear about the wrestling this weekend!! Thank you for taking the time to update when you can, you guys must be exhausted. It sounds like you all are having the best time. Lynden Jones


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