Sunday, August 9, 2009

Travel Day

We leave for Capetown today. The past few days have been really busy. We left Kruger on Friday headed for Pretoria. Friday evening we wrestled the Sprinboks which is their national team. They brought kids from all over SA to wrestle us. We competed well but did not win many matches. After the match the kids met their host families from Pretoria and headed home. It was up early to come back to the wrestling hall for an all day tournament. Got there at 7 AM and left at 7 PM. We did really well Saturday winning many medals. I don't know who won what because once they were finished they went home with their host families. The people from the Centerion and Tuks club hosting are very wonderful people. I do know Colton, Zorg, Ryan, Trevor Gwin won gold medals. I will try and get a medal count for the the next time. We wrestle 2 more times. Once in Capetown what think will be Tuesday then Wednesday evening in Joburg after we come back from Capetown. Sorry no pictures I will put up plenty when I get home. All the boys have many photos.
I will try and update from Capetown

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